


You can download Gerolf Markup Shredder for Intel-386-compatible computers running under Windows, Dos or Linux, for all these operating systems in common, in one self-extracting Windows-32 archive (12 MB) called ge­rolf.exege­rolf.exe. Below follows the list of files contained therein:

So you can download all these files independently, omitting those which are not required, if your computer runs under Dos or Linux only. Click on the names of these files with the right mouse button to save them. All ZIP packages are smaller than 1.44 MB.


During execution of the self-extracting archive on Windows-32, you are asked for a directory to install GMS. Possible names are C:\ge­rolf or C:\gms­NNNx, if you want to use only the text mode or command line interfaces of Markup Shredder. This is the folder where the ZIP files are copied to and GMS will be installed. Since you are free to choose the installation target, that folder is given the symbolical name [GMS­_ROOT] within this handbook.

If you want to make use of the GMS web browser interface, you may still have to download the XAMPP package, which contains a PHP server. Then you can install Markup Shredder in the [Document_Root] directory, where HTML- and PHP-files are taken from when there is a browser request to http://localhost. This folder may be named C:\wamp\htdocs (Windows-32) or /var/www (Linux). Please backup its existing content.


Execution of the self-extracting archive and download of all ZIP files to the [GMS­_ROOT] folder ends with a message telling you that you either have to run gms­un­zip.batgms­un­zip.bat there in the command line to continue with installation (you can do this on Linux too, saying gms­un­zipgms­un­zip), or to call the file http://localhost/gerolf.phphttp://localhost/gerolf.php in the web browser, if XAMPP server is running. GMS then unpacks the non-executable ZIP archives and creates the following directory structure:

In the command line, you can interrupt the extraction process by pressing [Ctrl+C]. When finished, GMS Unzip starts GMS Setup.


When you call gms­set­up.bat (Dos, Windows) respectively gms­set­up (Linux) in the [GMS­_ROOT]/etc folder, the GMS command line interface creates ge­rolf.bat (Dos, Windows) or ge­rolf (Linux), the system-dependent launcher and configuration script.

On Windows, GMS Setup copies the standard True Type fonts (Arial, Courier New, Georgia, Tahoma, Times New Roman and Verdana) to the %GMS­_ROOT%\fonts\ttf folder. These fonts should be present for Unicode and non-Latin code page support in GMS, because they are used in the template documents. You can download them from many internet sites, just enter e.g. index of arial.ttf into the search engine window.

On Linux, GMS Setup asks you for the path to the Windows True Type directory, e.g. /hda1­/WIN­DOWS­/Fonts (if drive C: is mounted to /hda1). GMS setup also writes and initializes the TeX-format file.

At the end of GMS setup, Markup Shredder will start up for the first time, running the text mode interface.


Once GMS setup is finished, you can start Markup Shredder from the command line, saying ge­rolf or gms.

On Windows-32 and Linux (KDE/Gnome), you also find desktop links and start respectively context menu entries. To add an item for Markup Shredder in the context menu for the right mouse button, open Windows Explorer and select Extras/Folder Options/Data Types. Edit the HTML document entry and add a new process Open with gerolf.bat and the corresponding application %GMS_ROOT%\gerolf.bat.

On Windows 3x, it is better to run Markup Shredder and GMS Setup at the Dos level, because only then GMS can execute the HTML browser and the PDF reader, starting the graphical user interface before every call of these applications and leaving it afterwards when you press [Alt+F4] [Alt+F4] [Enter].


In the end, GMS then does not need its own user interface, since there are advanced editors allowing to execute Markup Shredder rather than being executed. HTML-Kit, for instance, click on Edit/Preferences/Programs and edit the external program list. Add %GMS­_ROOT%\batch­\gms.bat as program path and -t "{{FILE}}" as parameter. Clicking on Tools/Programs/GMS then starts the typesetting process. Click on the title bar of the console window with the right mouse button to open the context menu; select Preferences/Programs and Close at end.

You can call the PDF reader by adding gms.bat for a second time, but with -r "{{FILE}}" as parameter. HTML-Kit assigns shortcut key to these new functions, so you can typeset and read your document by simply pressing [Ctrl+1] and [Ctrl+2], for example.


A few system-dependent preparations may have to be done (none for Windows XP):
