G e r o l f M a r k u p S h r e d d e r The typesetting program that uses TeX for document conversion from HTML to PDF L i c e n s e Copyright (c) 1999-2007 by G. D. Brettschneider, Luchtbergstr. 27, D-28237 Bremen. All rights reserved. This GMS software comes without ANY warranty. You may freely distribute and use it. The author asks for a donation. I n s t a l l a t i o n Run 'gmsunzip.bat' (Dos, Windows) or 'gmsunzip' (Linux) in '[GMS_ROOT]', the Markup Shredder installation folder. If the GMS archives are already extracted, run 'gmssetup.bat' respectively 'gmssetup' in '[GMS_ROOT]/etc'. U s a g e After installation, Markup Shredder can be started from the command line by saying 'gms' or 'gerolf' (text mode interface). The complete GMS installation instruction can be found in '[GMS_ROOT]/doc/handbook/handbook.htm'. h t t p : / / w w w . G e r o l f . o r g