

Web Browser

Dave RaggettIf you click on [A], the markup in the HTML file that you have opened or created will be analysed using HTML-TidyHTML-Tidy, a software written by Dave Raggett and a group of volunteers.

HTML-Tidy performs a syntax check of your file’s markup. It returns a list of line numbers whenever violations of the language rules, as defined in the HTML specificationHTML specification> by the World Wide Web ConsortiumWorld Wide Web Consortium, have been detected. You should correct these errors in the editor because the GMS typesetter then will have fewer problems to render a nice portable document.

Especially if you have produced your HTML file with a what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor like FrontPage, Fusion or DreamWeaver, the markup may be incomplete, verbose, proprietary or deprecated. If the file was converted from a Word document, it will be inflated with masses of information that is only relevant for Microsoft Office products.

If there are no severe markup errors in the input file, HTML-Tidy also produces a cleaned up version, where less important mistakes are corrected auto­matically and the layout is made uniform. That file is given the same base name with an OK extension.

Text Mode

You can analyse the markup of a given HTML file by pressing [A]. The result of the syntax check will be displayed in the text viewer. Press [Q] (Linux) or [Esc] (Dos, Windows) to quit.

If there are multiple HTML files in one folder, you can analyse them all at once, if no special file is selected. Press [O] to display the open file dialog and select an empty line, or change into the higher directory, return to the folder that you just have left and quit the dialog before pressing [A] in the GMS main menu.

The precise behaviour of HTML-Tidy is defined in the [GMS­_ROOT]/etc/ti­dy.cfg configuration file. For instance, if there is a line write-back: yes, HTML-Tidy will replace the input file with its corrected version instead of writing it to an OK file. This may result in data losses, e.g. if parts of a text are marked as an attribute by mistake.

You can select another syntax checker, if you press [S] and [P]. The Tidy binary should be found in the search path or in a sub-directory of [GMS­_ROOT]/binbin.

Command Line

In the command line, enter gms -a /my­fold­er/my­file.htm (Linux) or gms /a x:\my­fold­er\my­file.htm (Dos, Windows) to analyse the markup of a document. If the file was opened or created before, it is sufficient to call gms -a or gms /a.

Alternatively, you can execute the commands cd [GMS­_ROOT]/doc/de­fault and [GMS­_ROOT]/bin/[dos|win|linux]/ti­dy -con­fig [GMS­_ROOT]/etc/ti­dy.cfg -f de­fault.err de­fault.htm > de­fault.ok.
